Hi, my name is SHAYLA MUELLER.
I am a Front End Web Developer.

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My whole life I have wanted to create things that matter. I was not sure how to fulfill that goal until I took my first JavaScript class. Coding opened a new world of possibilities for me.

I am a senior studying at Brigham Young University - Idaho. My major is Web Design & Development with an emphasis in Development.

I define myself as a developer first, but I am very drawn to the aspects of web design. I highly admire designers that create innovative user interfaces. However, I am always too curious on how these designs would work and be implemented with code. For this reason, I am a Front End Web Developer with an admiration for design.

I graduate in April 2023 and am planning on working in a JavaScript Framework after graduation. Click on my resume to learn more about me!

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Mauveau Clothing Co

Using React, React Router, Firebase, and Styled Components, I built a basic eCommerce site. This site allows a user to log in with Google or their username/password. They can also create an account using their username and password. There are five different categories of items including mens, womens, hats, sneakers, and jackets. Users can utilize the cart to add items and keep track of costs.

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Discover New Movies

Using The Movie Database (TMDB) I created a fun application where users learn about popular new movies. Users can see the movie ratings, summary, and trailers. They can also search for their favorite movies and get the same information. If they are not sure what to watch, users can search by genre to get some ideas. Local Storage is used to remember passed searches which users can click to resubmit a search.

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Chamber of Commerce

This chamber of commerce mock website invites local businesses to get involved in their communities. The website contains upcoming community events along with the weather and beautiful pictures of the local area. There is a form for businesses who want to join the chamber of commerce as well as a contact page. Using Open Weather Maps, the user can see upcoming weather alerts. There is also a list of businesses already involved with the chamber of commerce. This website helped me practice design and implementation.

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Trello Look-alike

Using the Drag and Drop Web API, I created an application that acts similar to Trello. A user can drop and drag tasks into various sections to keep track of what they need to do. They can edit their tasks and add new tasks to each section. This application offers a flexible environment for users to keep track of many different things.

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Joke Bot

Using a Joke API and a Text-To-Speech API, a user can listen to programming jokes from a robot. Make sure sound is on and press the "Tell Me A Joke" button.

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Monsters Rolodex

Using React and React Hooks, a list of monsters is displayed to the user. The user can search for the name of any monster to narrow the list of monsters. This is a basic React.js application.

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Dark & Light Mode

Users can transform this mock website from light to dark mode with the click of a switch. This application changes colors in the images, buttons, backgrounds and more. Local Storage is used to remember the user's preferred setting.

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Drawing Application

This basic drawing application utilizes HTML Canvas to allow users to draw with various colors and brush sizes. It uses Local Storage to save or delete images the user has created. Users can save their picture as an image file or erase the canvas.

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Roadway Weather Channel

Utilizing the Open Weather Maps API, I built a website that shows the weather for Southeast Idaho. Users can see the weather for Preston, Soda Springs, or Fish Haven, ID. They can also report a storm in the storm center or look at a picture gallery.

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